Lower Back


Best Life Programs

Lower Back Program

Lower back pain affects up to 80% of people at some point in their lives. While many recover well, roughly 30% of those affected by lower back pain will develop chronic or persistent pain. This can often lead to a cycle of inactivity, inability to work or perform previously normal daily tasks, loss of strength and fitness which unfortunately often creates further vulnerability to injury and pain. 

Our program is designed around the latest research in the physiotherapy and medical fields on lower back pain. It was created to help people who have been living with persistent back pain, as well as help people to get on top of their back pain before it becomes a long term problem. 

Instead of a reactive approach to treatment where you wait till a flare up occurs to seek out help, we take a proactive approach where we look at the underlying causes of lower back pain, and help retrain the body and brain. There is still hope that you can get your health back on track, and return to doing what you love. 

This is 10 week program which includes:

  • A detailed assessment - we discuss where you are currently at, your personal goals, and a structured plan to achieve your goals

  • 2 education resources breaking down what the research says, myths and misconceptions and the critical role exercise plays in recovery

  • 12 small group personalised exercise sessions

  • A re-assessment and planning session to organise your next 12 months and discuss how to maintain or further advance the benefits you've seen during the program

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